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Reno, NV, United States

Monday, May 31, 2010

Lone Survivor Workout

“Lone Survivor”
“Murph” + “J T” + “Michael” for time:

176 max HR
148 avg HR
1435 kcal burned

For Time: 49:421 mile Run: 8:100:1:18 Rest & Transition
35 Pull-ups (assisted): 0:5:08
0:2:19 Rest & Transition70 Bench Press 95#: 0:14:54
0:1:20 Rest & Transition120 Squats: 0:6:49
0:1:23 Rest & Transition1 mile Run: 8:21

0:5:00 Rest & Transition

15-12-9 reps of:Dumbbell shoulder press Dips (assisted)Bench Press 75#

0:2:20 Rest & Transition

Three rounds for time of: 24:52Run 800 meters 4:11/4:18/4:10
50 Back Extensions50 Sit-ups

A pretty brutal afternoon @ the gym. My best friend ran a Memorial Day Race in his Pat Tillman jersey and I coudn't take that layin down so I came up with an idea. Do all three Crossfit Hero Wod's for the Seal Team in Lone Survivor back-toback-to back. I went to BrandX Crossfit, scaled them down and did it.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Crossfit WOD

Scaled-down "Arnie" for an effort of 11:53. I used a 15# Kettlebell(KB) for the Turkish Getups(TGU) & Overhead Squats (OHS) & a 30# DB for the DB Swings and cut reps down to 10/20/10/20/10/20/10. Felt fatigue from yesterday so I scaled the effort down although I would have failed the effort as Rx'd. One thing I noticed during the effort surrounded the attention to balance and the difference in completing the TGU's between sides.